Wound Care Supplies
Medley Products offers a wide selection of wound-care products. Tape, Foam Dressings, Hydrogel Dressings, Hydro fiber Dressings, Alginates, Cleaners, Gauze, Alcohol Prep Pads, and Adhesive Dressings are just a few of the supplies available. We’re here to help you get whatever you need for your wound treatment regimen.
Wound Care Products
Advanced Wound Dressings
Advanced Wound Dressings are used to improve the local wound environment and speed up the healing process. We have a complete range of wound care dressings, including hydrocolloid, collagen, alginates, foam, and hydrogel advanced wound care dressings.
Wound Care Bandages
Wound dressings for all wound care Wound care bandages are used for a wide range of wound treatment techniques, ranging from operating to establishing fundamental dressings. They’re essentially cloth or synthetic material tapes that are used in wound healing.
Wound Care
The basic gauze bandage is one of the most frequently used for wound treatments. We offer a variety of gauze dressings from several manufacturers to suite your needs.
Wound Care Medical Tape
These medical-related adhesives have a hypoallergenic adhesive that prevents any skin irritation. Many of these adhesives come with a microporous cloth to allow air to reach the skin and provide a breathable surface.